Our Clients Are Raving about These Gadgets and Gizmos

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In today's episode, we are going to talk about some of the things that our clients have raved to us recently about. Sometimes, more than one of our clients will really love a certain product or app independently, so we have been keeping track of those things to share with you in case you could use some of these tools.

There's some pretty cool stuff that's come around, from air fryers, to instant pots, to walking pads. But we want to make it clear that we're not here just to tell you to buy more stuff! You can just eat well and move and not need any products or purchases to support you in that. However, the whole reason this podcast exists is because it's not always simple and it's definitely not easy to eat well, maintain a healthy weight or stay fit.

Guidance and tools can be helpful and even necessary to succeed.  And most importantly, they can make the whole process more fun and enjoyable. From hard goods, gadgets and gizmos to apps from your phone, check these out:

Glass storage containers with lids
Dressings container
Mini Bands (Amazon search)
Dash Mini Waffle Iron
Walking Pad
Ninja Foodi, Instant Pot, Air Fryer

Wheel of Feels (Apple or Android)
Slow Eats (Apple App, can use the timer on your phone instead!)
Sunnyside Mindful Drinking (only available in US, CA, UK)
Recovery Record (Disordered eating management)
Finch (Daily Self Care) 

Which ones would you add to your list of tools that have made your confident eating journey easier? Let us know by sending us a message at confidenteaters.com.

Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches: 
Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.
Our Clients Are Raving about These Gadgets and Gizmos
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