We believe everyone has the right to love their food and feel proud of how they choose to eat. Join the coaches at Confident Eaters as they share their insights and advice to ditch diet culture and step into your power. They've guided thousands of people out of emotional eating, compulsive overeating, and stressful relationships with food. With science based tools and inspiration, what awaits you? Body confidence, food freedom, and joyful ease with eating.

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"I can't say no": how to overcome people pleasing

Do you struggle with saying no? If you are someone who tends to do what others want all the time ahead of your own wants, you might be people pleasing. We see it as a ...

Help! Food Stress is Ruining Eating

Is food stress ruining eating for you? Food stress can take on many forms! Maybe you are dealing with life stress and don't enjoy eating, maybe you are stressed about ...

Meal plans, effort levels, and "fat burn mode" with Haylin Alpert

How come you don't write meal plans? Am I putting in enough effort to make a difference? Why am I not losing fat if my body is in "fat burn mode"? If you have had any ...

How to Handle Other People Dieting (And Talking About It)

What do you do when you've finally decided to quit dieting, but everyone around you seems to still be starting this diet or that and talking about it constantly? "Diet...

How To Create an End of Eating Ritual

Have you ever heart of an end of eating ritual? An end of eating ritual is not anything involving tiki torches in the jungle. We're talking about a simple behavior tha...

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